The German trade union verdi is extending its strikes ahead of the fourth round of negotiations in the wage dispute at Deutsche Bank subsidiary Postbank. On Thursday, in addition to employees in the back-office service units and call centres, verdi is also calling for work stoppages at branches throughout Germany. "This will once again send a clear signal that all employees are behind the demands for a significant improvement in pay and an extension of protection against dismissal," verdi negoti
ROUNDUP 2: Arbitrator defuses collective bargaining conflict for aviation security staff BERLIN/FRANKFURT - After a strike-ridden spring, the risk of further work stoppages in the aviation.
The trade union Verdi is not letting up in the wage dispute at Postbank. After two days of nationwide warning strikes, including in Postbank branches, employees in the processing of banking.
Postbank has been negotiating more money for thousands of employees since Tuesday. The trade union Verdi is demanding 15.5 percent more money for around 12,000 employees in the Deutsche Bank Group.
In the conflict over the restructuring of its Private Clients Bank and the elimination of Postbank branches, Deutsche Bank intends to refrain from compulsory redundancies until the end of September..