in salt lake city and halifax okay. and then deemed to be no threat and then a photograph and this is clearly isis propaganda. we ll say that up front. this comes from isis online magazine and they say the bomb that brought down the metro jetliner. a soda can on the left. in the middle, appears to be a detonator and the right appears to be a switch. what is unclear according to the exports i have talked to is where the timing device is and several things are interesting. look in the middle of the can, it would appear that there seems to be a cut mark there. that it was cut in half and went perhaps put back together. the question is whether inside that can there might have been plastic explosives. in other words, petn or c4 or rdx. as the detonator goes, lock in the middle of it. it has yellow cord. to the experts, it s a commercial grade detonator. not military grade detonator.