Italy's Supreme Court of Cassation has confirmed a life sentence for Osman M., known as Ismail, for killing and abusing detainees at the camp of Bani Walid in Libya. The judges said that the man killed at least six people and tortured and raped detainees "beyond any reasonable doubt".
Some migrants held in administrative detention centers (CRA) in France have been sent to prison for refusing to take PCR tests. Lawyers have called the practice "illegal" and denounced it as a violation of "fundamental rights".
InfoMigrants By Charlotte Boitiaux Published on : 2021/03/05
There are different types of detention locations for migrants in France. To help you understand the differences and what your rights are, InfoMigrants has put together an overview.
Administrative detention center (CRA)
This concerns the following:
Undocumented migrants with an OQTF (obligation to leave French territory) and/or an IRTF (prohibition to return to French territory, a re-entry ban). These OQTF/IRTF are issued by the prefecture.
Migrants who have entered the EU in a country other than France and have to return there due to the Dublin regulation which says you have to undergo your asylum procedure in the EU country of first entry.