Release / CCL Shul Members
Amid Alarming Rise in Violent crime in Chicago, CCL Shul Members Offered Street Safety Seminar, Synagogue Safety Courses
(March 17, 2021, JNS Wire)
As carjackings and armed robberies skyrocket in Chicagoland, a local nonprofit recently offered a seminar designed to promote street safety. Entitled “Street Safe Don’t be a Victim,” the seminar taught how to develop a personal safety strategy. It taught attendees how to avoid becoming the victim of carjacking or other violent crime. Over 200 attendees joined the seminar both in-person and via Zoom, with over 40 Chicagoland synagogues represented at the event. The event was extensively covered by local media, including CBS Channel 2 reporter Steven Graves and a news crew, who interviewed the speakers and attendees. Officers from the Chicago Police Department’s 24