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An Australian triathlete who referred to himself as a petty car thief with expensive tastes has been charged
with take and drive conveyance over a string of luxury car thefts
throughout Sydney.
Luke Lythgoe claimed to be a former drug addict who had turned
his life around.
However, he was arrested by NSW Police at a shopping centre
along with his partner, Ashleigh Wilson.
The 33-year-old was refused bail by Police and remains in
Accused of Stealing Cars from Dealerships
Police said that the 33-year-old committed the offences between
Queensland pair charged over alleged luxury car theft spree in Sydney
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Queensland pair charged over alleged luxury car theft spree in Sydney
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A Queensland man who describes himself on social media as a petty car thief with expensive taste has been charged after he allegedly took vehicles on test drives from Sydney dealerships and did not return them.
Police have been investigating a spate of luxury vehicle thefts from car dealers in Sydney s inner west and north-west. On Thursday, they arrested Luke Lythgoe, 33, from Southport in Queensland, and charged him with a range of offences including taking and driving a conveyance without the consent of the owner.
16:38 EDT, 8 January 2021
A heavily tattooed man who allegedly boasted online about being a petty car thief with expensive taste has been charged over an alleged luxury car theft scheme.
Luke Lythgoe, 33, was arrested on Thursday following a police investigation into a number of expensive cars being stolen while on test drives from car dealerships in Sydney s inner west.
Mr Lythgoe, a former sponsored triathlon athlete, was stopped at a Blacktown shopping centre along with his girlfriend Ashleigh Wilson, 21, with police allegedly finding the keys to several cars in her handbag.
Luke Lythgoe (pictured) was arrested on Thursday following a police investigation into a number of expensive cars being stolen while on test drives from car dealerships in Sydney