she saw a camo at garza s house, plus the cell phone has pinned near the crime scene the night of the murder. believed was just following his heart. he was infatuated with her. reporter: detective burke picked up on that, the night he interviewed chacey at the station. he spoke with her about it while he prepared to swab chacey s hands for gunshot residue. i believe he s infatuated with you, obsessed with you. i don t know what you ve truly told him. he had talked about us, you know, trying to live together. and i kept angling him, i don t want to live with anybody. okay. and when he when he told me he loved me, i kept telling him, i was like and i was, honestly?
him a message on facebook, saying, i like your truck. reporter: remember, hours before bob was shot, chacey said she went to garza s home, and that was telling bob she needed space. she apparently did not tell bob there were also some other needs. michael and i ended up having six while i was there. reporter: what s more, chacey revealed that garza new chase e. and bob were supposed to be that night, and garza was jealous. he said, if i see him kissing, you i m gonna come [bleep] reporter: so, did michael garza kill mike poynter, chacey had told officer meek, that by the time the murder occurred, he was driving his truck, so you couldn t have been the shooter. now, with detective burke, she seemed less sure of that. i don t know if he did it. i don t know that. reporter: she insisted she didn t see garza on county road
reporter: that s right. it turned out key michael garza wasn t chacey s only lover. in the month up to the murder, she had been juggling three other boyfriends. detective burke brought them in for questioning. a lot of it was for sex. reporter: along with frequent meet up for sex, two of her lovers told police, chacey also shared the story of abuse that she claimed with suffered at the hands of robert poynter. she did tell me that he heard her a lot and that there was a lot of abuse going on. but he would never leave marks because he didn t want no trace. she would meet these guys, they d be interested. and she would immediately start telling her story, right? my husband is beating me, i m in this terrible marriage, i feel threatened. but. maybe there s something here with you and me? exactly, that s her mo.
resemblance to reality. prosecutors agreed. is there any credible evidence at all that chacey was poynter abused by her husband? no. there is no er visit? no 9-1-1 calls. no previous law enforcement at that address? no one else saw robert poynter even get mad. he s been described is a big teddy bear. reporter: on the other hand, they did find plenty of evidence that chacey wanted bob gone. she s fishing around for multiple men to commit this murder for her. reporter: that s right. it turned out key michael garza wasn t chacey s only lover. in the month up to the murder, she had been juggling three other boyfriends. detective burke brought them in for questioning. a lot of it was for sex. reporter: along with frequent meet up for sex, two of her lovers told police, chacey also shared the story of abuse that she claimed with suffered at the hands of robert
in the case? the serial number came back to michael garza s brother. so conceivable that that s your murder weapon? yes sir. michael garza commits the murder and ditches it as he runs away? yes sir. reporter: it would seem to support chacey s story, that garza had been the trigger man. she already told police that she saw a camo at garza s house, plus the cell phone has pinned near the crime scene the night of the murder. believed was just following his heart. he was infatuated with her. reporter: detective burke picked up on that, the night he interviewed chacey at the station.