counts. he was found guilty wednesday, today, of conspiracy to destroy buildings and u.s. property and tied to the attacks and destruction on two u.s. embassies in after africa in 19. the fact that he was acquitted of 284 counts, the terrorism charges is a major setback for the obama administration as it tries to move forward with plans to try the 9/11 terrorism suspects and detapeees being held in gitmo in civilian court. so what about this now? let s bring in our panel. steve hayes senior writer for the weekly standard henderson for the the washington post and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. charles? this is a huge elm bare embarrassment to the administration and is a blow to having the tears tried in civilian court. this is a guy involved in a plot and his defense was that he was an errand boy. he was a dupe. he had no idea what was happening. but that was undermined by the one count on which the jury
counts. he was found guilty wednesday, today, of conspiracy to destroy buildings and u.s. property and tied to the attacks and destruction on two u.s. embassies in after africa in 19. the fact that he was acquitted of 284 counts, the terrorism charges is a major setback for the obama administration as it tries to move forward with plans to try the 9/11 terrorism suspects and detapeees being held in gitmo in civilian court. so what about this now? let s bring in our panel. steve hayes senior writer for the weekly standard henderson for the the washington post and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. charles? this is a huge elm bare embarrassment to the administration and is a blow to having the tears tried in civilian court. this is a guy involved in a plot and his defense was that he was an errand boy. he was a dupe. he had no idea what was happening. but that was undermined by the