it wasst the muellerig investigation. 2020. they suppresseationformatiut tht about the biden story.heom 2020 twoe., they raided the president s home ninety one days before the election.e it d.3 4 f1 just stayed out of it. let the people decide who we think should represent us there. you have deep seated bias, a two tiered system of justice,o big tech censorship. democrats are in charge of congress. for years, they never darede investigatane any of why is that?up and because this corruption goes one up. yourenefits all of them.e and now it s finally time to hold your government accountable before it s too late. you with the very latest kentucky congressman james palmer. congressman, you laid oun jamet of details today.o go t i want to go through some of itt with you. you said that joe biden personally participated in meetings and phone calls and you have documents that show he wa s a partner with access to an office and that, joe , is , in fact,atn clearly the big guy. e fami