positionm schiff using a position of the intel chairina lying to the american publicmeag again and again. swalwell, you all know, doesu a not have the ar should have the responsibility to serve on the intel committee. i ll put the nationarve on thely ahead of partisan politics any day. integrit the nationay matters ae going to make the intel committee back to what it was tt supposed to be.s suppos well, today, those aforementioned democrats held a press conference on being mocrats hebooted. it was a sad affair alleging ofis was merely an act of political retaliation by mccarthy. in other words political ret, te basically owed these positions will only, i think, breed with distrust within the intelligence community. ligenceas to what it can shares and what it caann feel confident about sharing with thecong congress. our mission noress. our mw is to restore the credibility and integrity of this institution. of which the speaker has so gravely so gravely smasheddestro and
from the face of the earth. power thatkind of they now have to the point where they coulde pointactually suspend and destry a sitting president , as molly said. look, molly,t as has also writtn a phenomenal book called rigt about the twenty iggedtwenty election, talking at the hundreds of millions ofe dollars that mark zuckerberg and and his team poured into swing states and swing districts in order to influence the election and denyder donald trump reelection. all of thi s is of a pieceover the l i have to say this, too.le of yr over the last couple of years,se we have heard a lot about bogus collusion, what we now know.lluo thanksn. to the twitter filesr s and other things, other pieces of evidence. it s now become clear that there was actual collusionac between membertual collusion bsp state, the regime, the left, the propaganda and big tech to all work together to throwf donald trump out of the publicpr square and so many others with whom they disagree. disag absolutely right.re