The destruction of the Temple in AD 70 also impacted on the way in which the conflict leading to the events of Easter was emphasised in the emerging Christian community and its foundational documents.
destruction of the temple was punishment on the jews. the jewish rebels managed to escape and made their way to a hilltop for the tress called masada. but that too ended in tragedy when the romans penetrated the fortress via a ramp. they took a suicide pact. they killed one another until the last one killed themselves. so when the romance finally arrived at the fortress in fact all they found were dead bodies. now with a rebellion crushed, hundreds of thousands dead, and with their temple gone, the jews were in danger of disappearing all together. there was no central temple.
rome. so the romans burned the temple to the ground, and titus and his men seized the spoils of war. the gold was melted down. the silver was melted down, and these precious metals were actually used in the facing of the coliseum, to adorn the coliseum. as all conquerors do, they took the wealth for themselves. the destruction of the temple was devastating and symbolic, further dividing jews and christians. jesus had prophesied the end of the temple. truly i tell you, he said to his disciples, not one stone will be left here upon another. all will be thrown down. for the christians, the destruction of the temple was punishment on the jews for their rejection of jesus.
so the romans burned the temple to the ground, and titus and his men seized the spoils of war. the gold was melted down. the silver was melted down, and these precious metals were actually used in the facing of the coliseum, to adorn the coliseum. as all conquerors do, they took the wealth for themselves. the destruction of the temple was devastating and symbolic, further dividing jews and christians. jesus had prophesied the end of the temple. truly i tell you, he said to his disciples, not one stone will be left here upon another. all will be thrown down. for the christians, the destruction of the temple was punishment on the jews for their rejection of jesus. some jewish rebels managed to escape and made their way to a
men seized the spoils of war. the gold was melted down. the silver was melted down, and these precious metals were actually used in the facing of the coliseum, to adorn the coliseum. as all conquerors do, they took the wealth for themselves. the destruction of the temple was devastating and symbolic, further dividing jews and christians. jesus had prophesied the end of the temple. truly i tell you, he said to his disciples, not one stone will be left here upon another. all will be thrown down. for the christians, the destruction of the temple was punishment on the jews for their rejection of jesus. some jewish rebels managed to escape and made their way to a hilltop fortress called masada.