that was how i wrapped it up. basically what they re all saying is we need to continue to do what we re doing right now because the proper action. but a lot of people want this to happen faster. truthfully it can t happen any faster than it s happening. this is going to be a very long campaign. we ve said that from the very beginning. all right. so, mr. shafer, do you agree with that? can t happen any faster? is that what hillary clinton was saying? we are where we need to be, meaning this is a step? no. we re not moving this as rapidly as we could or should. i ve been talking to the pentagon and folks involved in the planning. there s been a hesitation to move the as rapidly as we could or should with special forces as well as the aircraft we need to increase our number of sorties. i think we have purposely allowed by the policy of the white house to not do the necessary things to slow down the growth of isis. i m sorry, hillary clinton helped create the conditions for isis by fir
of isis, which they thought would go after president assad and syria instead going off on their own. hillary clinton has no ground to stand on regarding the reality of her past policy and saying if we stick with the current one it will work. what we need to do is look at how we can actually do more militarily with special forces forces, not boots on the ground, then really push our arab allies, the jordanians, the egyptians, and the saudis to actually get behind what we re trying to do. what is lacked is leadership, is trust in us. because of these other actions i mentioned the arab allies have been reluctant to jump in with us. as much as bernie sanders says he wants to do this, i think he s on the right path, we had to show the leadership to do that. you brought up libya. talk about the questions asked at these debates central to whether this country, this world is better off with or without dictators in the region. you mentioned, you know, libya, the removal of moammar gadhafi.
yemen or even libya, but then moving forward, how are voters to digest this information? what s the information theyed need to hear from candidates? yeah. this is a very important issue. and first of all, i want to say that i don t agree completely with tony that secretary clinton can be blamed for the removal of cagadhafi in libya. i think there were many, many factors that contributed to that. what i d like to say is early on in the iraq war, yes, the military was given a mission, and truthfully, fred rhee kashgs i was part of that as war planner on the joint staff in the j-7, to rid iraq of a dictator. regime change is not a military mission. that s very difficult to execute with military forces. that is a political implication that politicians have to determine through diplomacy how they view do that and what they do. the military certainly can contribute to that and it has in several countries. we have to be very careful in say, hey, we just have to rid ourselves of a dictator.