TV News - It’s been almost five months since their wedding, but a honeymoon’s better late than never for newlywed actors Felicia Chin and Jeffrey Xu. The couple are on their post-nuptial vacation in Osaka, Japan, currently and have been actively sharing their adventures and food. Read more at
With busy lives and hectic schedules, not everyone gets to go on their honeymoon right after getting married. Actor Jeffrey Xu and former actress Felicia Chin who held their wedding on Oct 22 last year are only on their well-deserved honeymoon in Osaka, Japan now. Felicia wrote on her Instagram account this morning (March 6): "Finally travelling with.
PatentNext Summary: Software and computer-implemented inventions (CII) have experienced explosive growth in recent years. This article looks at laws of jurisdictions in Southeast Asia.
Playing a detestable character may be one of the most stifling experiences ever, and Singapore-based Chinese actor Jeffrey Xu can attest to it. In the new Mediacorp drama Strike Gold, the 34-year-old plays a domestic abuser Ke Nan, who hits his mother Cardboard Lady (Hong Huifang). At a recent media conference for the series,, he shared with AsiaOne how he.
Acting in a TV drama is a way to earn money, but who knew it was also a chance to spend it? In a recent press conference for the new Mediacorp drama Strike Gold, local actor Yao Wenlong spoke to AsiaOne about feasting and friends. When asked whether the cast and crew feasted a lot when filming the series, Wenlong.