Margaret Channon, 26, of Tacoma, used an aerosol can and a lighter as a makeshift flame-thrower to burn the unoccupied, parked police vehicles in downtown Seattle
A woman who torched five Seattle police cars during a tumultuous protest that heralded a summer of unrest after George Floyd’s murder in 2020 was sentenced Tuesday to five years in prison
do you think they wanted to stop truly? david want these illegal crossings to stop? it doesn t appear that way. their definition of success going back to february and march is not been to stop the crossings. it has been to expedite the release of illegal aliens into the country. they were worried about bed space, showers, hot meals and all the rest. that is a derivative of the fact that we have so many little aliens showing up at the border. if you turn them around in the first place, if you don t let them into the country you don t have to worry about how many facilities you have to house them or they find relatives. he didn t talk about enforcement at all. i don t think she even used the word enforcement at her press conference, she kept saying there is no quick fix. it is a complex issue like marinating in every cliché can