short term victory that they can start the steps of governing. we have no idea. a, whether this bill becomes a final bill that gets to the president s desk a law to repeal and replace obamacare. we have no idea if that happens. we don t have a good sense what will the economy look like, what will the president s rating look like. democrats clearly think they are taking up what they thought was a generational achievement passing a national health care plan. democrats thought we waited for 50 years. we wanted to do this. thought it would be a great asset. it turned into an albatross. wiped out in 2014 and again in 2016 in large part because of obamacare. they believe they are handing ownership of what became an albatross to the republicans. remember as we look at the roll call 198 in favor, 192 opposed. the magic number 216. that s what the republicans need in order to get this passed. to steven moore s point about