The Committee Meets today to consider the nomination of vice admiral marco vice admiral Michael Beauvais to navy admiral and to be chief of navy operations. Thank you for being here, also extending a welcome to your family and want to invite you to introduce anyone at the time that you are recognized for an opening statement. We have our eight boring questions that are required so if you would please audibly respond to them so that we can have them in the record. Have you adhered to the laws and regulations governing interests . Yes, senator. Will you ensure that your staff complies with the lines established for requesting communications, including questions for the record and hearings . Yes. Will you cooperate and providing response to congressional requests . Yes. Will those witnesses be protected from reprisal for your testimony question mark yes. Do you justify upon the request before the committee . Yes. Do you agree to provide documents, including documents of electronic forms i
We have our eight boring questions that are required so if you would please audibly respond to them so that we can have them in the record. Have you adhered to the laws and regulations governing interests . Yes, senator. Will you ensure that your staff complies with the lines established for requesting communications, including questions for the record and hearings . Yes. Will you cooperate and providing response to congressional requests . Yes. Will those witnesses be protected from reprisal for your testimony question mark yes. Do you justify upon the request before the committee . Yes. Do you agree to provide documents, including documents of electronic forms in a timely manner when requested or to consult with the Committee Regarding the basis of any good faith delay or denial and in providing such documents . Yes, senator. Have you assumed any duties or undertaken any actions which would appear to presume the outcome of the confirming process . No, i have not. The National Defense
Good afternoon. The subcommittee will come to order. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare recesses of the committee at any time. We welcome everyone to the second of our series of hearings investigating competition in the Digital Markets. This one on innovation and entrepreneurship. I now recognize myself for an opening statement. 30 years ago the First Software for the worldwide member was released into the Public Domain to create a Global Communications network. Within a few years, search and browsing services were built onto this software to give people tools to communicate, share, and explore information through decentralized platform that was designed to be open and nondiscriminatory. An internet pioneer and codesigner of the internets early architecture testified in 2006 on behalf of google that the overarches principle of the open internet was no central gatekeeper should exert control over the internet. As he noted this open and competitive environment meant ent
Department of history of science and technology at Johns Hopkins university and the author of beyond bakelite leo bakelund and the business of science. Excuse me. Science and invention were also joined by Hugh Karraker the great grandson of leo bakelund and the executive producer of the documentary all things bakelite which will be seeing a little clip from this evening. Bud micaterian awardwinning author and filmmaker whos currently doing research on leo bakerland and his journals and our moderator dr. Jeffrey michael professor of american studies at the university of texas at austin and the author of american plastic a cultural history. So please everybody join me in giving a great big march training house. Welcome to our guests this evening, please join us. It takes a moment for all them to get on camera and mike so here with us. Welcome and good evening, all of you. Thank you so much for being here with us tonight. Even though the pleasure so jeff as our moderator when the time com
Department of history of science and technology at Johns Hopkins university and the author of beyond bakelite leo bakelund and the business of science. Excuse me. Science and invention were also joined by Hugh Karraker the great grandson of leo bakelund and the executive producer of the documentary all things bakelite which will be seeing a little clip from this evening. Bud micaterian awardwinning author and filmmaker whos currently doing research on leo bakerland and his journals and our moderator dr. Jeffrey michael professor of american studies at the university of texas at austin and the author of american plastic a cultural history. So please everybody join me in giving a great big march training house. Welcome to our guests this evening, please join us. It takes a moment for all them to get on camera and mike so here with us. Welcome and good evening, all of you. Thank you so much for being here with us tonight. Even though the pleasure so jeff as our moderator when the time com