for the design margin. if it s still going, it s very, very quiet at this point. can you tell me, it s been five days since they ve heard any pings. is the information that they gathered when they heard the pings in the first place, assuming they charted where the ship was and how loud the noise was and all of that, is this information still useful now? it is. we ve been trying to assist best we can with the search teams and the regulatory folks, trying to review that data and draw some conclusions from it. what sort of conclusions can you draw? tell me the art of the possible. repeat the question. what sort of conclusions could you draw? what is possible as you look at this data? the conclusions are, it s a very repeatable signal. it does have some variation to it as location changes. it definitely is a man made
specification says 14,763 feet. but obviously, the ocean at this point could be a little bit deeper than that. it s not fully mapped. so they don t know. i know any change in depth at that far below the surface, it could be an incredible change in pressure. is the bluefin able to operate outside its formal range if it needed to? yes. the bluefin standard 21 that phoenix has is rate to 4500 meters. and as you noted, that s about two and a half miles down. at that depth, the pressure is equivalent to having the weight of a cadillac escalade on your thumbnail. it s also slightly above freezing at that depth and it s pitch-black. we are looking, following good engineering practice, we do have design margin on that vehicle. we re reviewing the data now to look at any possible extension of the operating depth that the vehicle could be worked at. stay with us. i want to bring in bob ballard back, the underwater explorer who discovered the wreck of the
of the anomalies. get as many direct signals as they can, erin and then maybe a much smaller box. tom, thank you. that is why they re rushing to race against the clock, why what they have now isn t enough. they need more. they need more to get this exactly right. richard quest joins me along with aneesh patel, president of duquesne sea com. authorities have confirmed at least one of this pingers was on board flight 370. they re saying the signals they picked up are weaker than what they got over the weekend. now we re possibly past the battery life. how much longer do you think the batteries have? well, we build in a design margin of about 10%. so we think they re going to go a few days longer than 30. after that, we call it bonus time. the battery is going to start to degrade. it sounds like we re in that period right now. so it could be a matter of days. in the lab we have experimented with this under laboratory conditions. we can get a very faint signal
the sound and some instances where the sound is traveling unobscured but other cases you don t. jeff, what do you think of that theory? that s certainly true in the case of air france as well. i know that they did not hear the pings, but the train there was very, i guess, mountainous is the way to say that underwater. so we know that the sea floor is not flat there. what s the longest you think those batteries could last, jeff? so our official answer is 30 days. the design margin is about 10% above that, and that s at the end of life or that s at the end of the six-year maintenance period. we do have design margin in it and there are varying efficiencies of the product, itself. so we feel, you know, 33, 35 days is not unreasonable to expect. but once it does reach that point, the intensity of the signal that it gives out will start to diminish. it will start to become more and
company that made the original flight data recorders. thanks for being with us. as you know, the sophisticated equipment on board this australian ship has twice picked up the signals. do you think they are the pings from the black boxes? what would lead us to believe that they could be? well, as we have talked ab, it s a very unique signature, the 37.5 kilo hertz. it sounded like a steady continuous signal from one of our pingers so we are very cautiously optimistic. 37.5 kilohertz doesn t happen in nature. that means that the battery has lasted longer than 30 days. we knew that the batteries could have expired by that point. what s the best case scenario on how much longer the battery can power the pinger? well, we have some design