apparel makers in cyclonehit bangladesh are considering making bulk exports by air to europe and the us amid a race to meet deadlines and avoid cancellations this comes after the cyclone delayed shipments caused power cuts and disrupted production some of bangladeshs largest export customers include hm walmart zara and gap
we know that the former ambassador arrived about a half hour ago. our colleagues in that hallway staking out the room have told us that congressman mark meadows and jim jordan have entered the room to watch the proteceedings even though you have staff deshs. wait a minute. i thought it was a staff inquiry with volcker. the staffers are the ones taking the deposition but lawmakers are allowed to walk into this proceeding and watch. we saw that yesterday with jamie ras kin when the state department i.g. met on the senate side and he was there and briefed reporters after the fact. we expect to hear from jim jordan after the deposition happens and we ll have to see what if anything mr. jordan has to add to the record here. here s what i can tell you we expect that kurt volker is telling the investigators and this is based on people familiar with his thinking and people familiar with his role when he served as the special envoy to