United Nations General Assembly organised the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery in 1986 and it is observed every year on December 2 to raise awareness about and help eradicate contemporary forms of slavery. Share these International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2022 images and HD wallpapers for free download online as quotes, messages and sayings. International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2022 Images and HD Wallpapers for Free Download Online: Share Quotes, Sayings and WhatsApp Messages.
International Day of Abolition of Slavery is dedicated to ending modern forms of slavery like sexual exploitation, human trafficking, child labour, forced marriage and forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflicts. Its focus is on raising awareness and reinforcing global efforts in combating the scourge of modern slavery. International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2022 Messages and Images: Share Quotes, Sayings and HD Wallpapers To Spread Awareness About Modern Forms of Slavery.