In the United States alone, there are approximately 91,000 described living species of insects. For gardeners, there are many days you may think most of them have taken over your space! But currently, we have lost 40% of the world’s population. Insects are our benefactors, providing us with food, clothing, and dyes. Some are cleaners […]
Emma Hall, an English and Mozambican designer based in Lisbon, is known for her colorful, contemporary wall art. Here s the inspiration behind her work.
Dressed in blue and yellow T-shirts and caps, hundreds of employees from various companies that were awarded turned out at the event to support their employers
yangtze river question that fact. china s biggest fresh water lake, the parched poe on, has shrunk by 75%. that change clear in these satellite images taken in august of last year and now. falling rivers have revealed forgotten treasures. these buddhist statues from six centuries ago and so-called pagoda island, no longer an island but a mound of earth, where seemingly lost fishermen step out onto a desert landscape. they re calling it the worst in recorded history. reporter: david fishman is an energy expert in shanghai. talk to me about how frequency of droughts is changing in china. we see these events not happening once every 60 years anymore. maybe once every 15 years, maybe once every 10 years. reporter: shocks are rippling from countryside to coast. the heat is scorching my sweet potatoes to death, says this farmer, and many factories have been shutting down from a lack of hydro power.