A BYU professor and students who helped implement risk-reduction strategies for natural disasters in Indonesia say such strategies could help Utahns prepare for an earthquake.
May 10, 2021
BYU employee since: 1996
My job at BYU is… a professor of genetics and associate dean (facilities, graduate education, diversity and international study programs) in the College of Life Sciences.
A professor of genetics at BYU, Rick Jellen studies crop genetics of quinoa and oats.
Photo by Madeline Mortensen
Photo by Madeline Mortensen
I’m currently working on… crop genetics, especially of quinoa and oats.
I’m currently reading… “The Man Who Loved China,” a book about the twentieth-century Cambridge biochemist Joseph Needham, authored by Simon Winchester.
I get most excited about my work when… I see something under the microscope that nobody has ever seen.