The city of St. Louis filed suit Friday demanding its jail health care provider reimburse the city for a $515,000 settlement the city paid to settle another suit over an
what the museum inside details, of course, an incredibly important backdrop. this is a moment heavy with symbolism. they did lay readers as well at the hero memorial, escare commemorates around 145,000 people who were killed in the nuclear bomb in the city. it has been a moment for world leaders to come together and we have our correspondence nick marsh, who has been covering this summit for us. we will speak to him injust this summit for us. we will speak to him in just a this summit for us. we will speak to him injust a moment as we see our world leaders leaving the scene here, just to give you an idea of what to expect, they will be holding a working lunch where they will be discussing many of the issues we mentioned, the russian invasion of ukraine, preventing conflict with china, as we have been discussing this entire show, and then they will be moving on to discuss artificial intelligence, which is a new item on the agenda there. i believe we have nick marsh with us now who ha