Patriarchy and the resulting violence against women and children are increasingly being viewed as a problem both in the western and Arab/Islamic worlds. A group of women’s rights activists from the Maghrib came to Germany to gather information and learn from their colleagues. Martina Sabra reports.
On May 29, 2013, a month after the final adoption of Marriage for All, then Montpellier mayor Hélène Mandroux presided at the very first same-sex wedding in France.
On May 29, 2013, a month after the final adoption of Marriage for All, then Montpellier mayor Hélène Mandroux presided at the very first same-sex wedding in France.
On May 29, 2013, a month after the final adoption of Marriage for All, then Montpellier mayor Hélène Mandroux presided at the very first same-sex wedding in France.
On May 29, 2013, a month after the final adoption of Marriage for All, then Montpellier mayor Hélène Mandroux presided at the very first same-sex wedding in France.