The Derry Girls exhibition has just opened. But on opening night, among the various artefacts, were some women who knew these characters better than all of us.
Sister Clare Crockett s sister to address anniversary retreat Sister Clare Crockett died in an earthquake in Ecuador on April 16 2016. Seamus McKinney 14 April, 2021 01:00
A sister of tragic Derry nun Sister Clare Crockett is among the speakers scheduled to take part in a retreat marking the fifth anniversary of her death.
From the city’s Brandywell, she was killed when the building in which she was teaching music collapsed in an earthquake in Ecuador on April 16, 2016.
Following her death, a large number of video recordings and other documents compiled by Sister Clare (33) came to light in which she revealed an unusual path to the clerical life. In 2004, Sister Clare revealed she had originally wanted to become a movie star. She also revealed she had announced her plans to take Holy Orders “with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other”.