Ward County commissioners plan to make another effort to address weeds on a vacant property in north Minot after hearing again from concerned neighbors. The
Submitted Photo
2018 ZooTeens Kyler Byer is shown on giraffe stilts, with Chris Elgin looking on.
Roosevelt Park Zoo’s African zookeeper Taylor Jundt got her start at the zoo in Minot as a ZooTeen when she was a seventh-grader.
ZooTeen is a multifaceted volunteer program that allows teens to fit their wish to assist at the zoo during the summer months and can extend into yearround. The program began in the 1980s.
As the African zookeeper Jundt, of Minot, takes care of the giraffes, zebras, African lions, bongo, warthogs and others in that area of the zoo.
the City of Minot, North Dakota will
receive sealed Bids for the construc-
tion of Manhole Rehab – Minot
Country Club, at the office of the
City Clerk, 515 Second Avenue SW
(Second Floor), Minot, North Dako-
ta, until 11:00 AM on Thursday,
March 25, 2021 at which time the
bids will be publicly opened and
read in the Council Chambers.
All Bids must be submitted, and all
work shall be done, in full and strict
compliance with:
for this project;
Specifications and Details
able for examination and/or $100
purchase Monday through Friday
pm to 5:00 pm at the office of
Ackerman-Estvold, 1907 17th Street
gital project bidding documents are