Down 10. 3 but yet, compare that to what the inflation was the same week the year prior the total inflation from 2021 has dropped 22 . In that range. So we are seeing some drop here and we are also seeing softness in the marketplace which probably is indicative of why the inflation. We have the economy and we have representatives from four Different Community organizations. And we will have a chance to ask related questions to hear about the people that you work with. Just stepping back for a second, a little bit about the cross current that are hitting the economy we know on the one hand that americans are back to school and work even if you are not in work laces they are back to work and the economy did come out of the pandemic with some strength. We recently saw a report suggesting unprecedented declines and in children poverty even with the pandemic over the last few decades and that is looking to the future. When i look more towards our retired populations, we have seen two point