Which we have in common and to do practical things and so derek is going to mention his recent experience being part of facilitating a gathering for disaster preparation, preparedness. So we will mention that, and my name is chris likeert, i work in the archdiocese of San Francisco in department of communications doing radio production, we have the archbishops radio show every friday on immaculate heart radio and the archbishop shares scripture reflections and we have guests. Our website is sf archdiocese. Org. So pope francis trip to the holy land a powerful event, you may have seen images and or full length liturgies and masses but very powerful in the images alone, you may have seen things from when he was making the spontaneous visit to the wall in bethlehem and all of these other images you may have seen and they are continuing to show up in the news each and every day. He is truly a reconciler and it is a very serious matter, its not something that is a very light hearted matter.