SIR – I support Lt Cdr Brian Smith’s idea (Letters, April 16) that a new royal yacht should be named HMY Elizabeth and Philip, following the precedent of HMY Victoria and Albert.
Many ships acquire affectionate nicknames: HMS Endurance was known as the Red Plum, HMS Charybdis as Cherry B, and HMS Sheffield as Shiny Sheff.
If the idea is taken up, it won’t be too long before she is known as HMY Liz ’n’ Phil – affectionately, of course.
Cdr Peter Baseby RN (retd)
Kennington, Oxfordshire
SIR – The strict observance by the Queen and the Royal family of the current Covid rules showed their consideration and respect for all those who have died in the past year, and whose families had to cope with even tighter regulations as they laid their loved ones to rest.