On behalf of 47 organisations working on ending child, early and forced marriages and unions, Girls Not Brides submitted a written statement to the Commission on population and Development Bureau, calling on all stakeholders - and particularly on States, which are the bearers of the responsibility to protect, respect and fulfil girls’ and women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights - to renew their commitment to accelerate implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action
On behalf of 47 organisations working on ending child, early and forced marriages and unions, Girls Not Brides submitted a written statement to the Commission on population and Development Bureau, calling on all stakeholders - and particularly on States, which are the bearers of the responsibility to protect, respect and fulfil girls’ and women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights - to renew their commitment to accelerate implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action
Algunas feministas proaborto también se convierten en madres, el embarazo de jóvenes famosas ha derrumbado mitos sobre el derecho a decidir de las mujeres
Los talibanes, que tomaron el poder del país, han asegurado que actuarán con respeto y decretaron una amnistía, pero la comunidad internacional y los propios afganos miran con recelo las promesas. Por ahora, reina la reserva y la precaución. | Mundo | MDZOL.COM