It’s spawning day at the Lahontan National Fish Hatchery Complex, and volunteers clad in rubber boots and jackets move quickly around the south Gardnerville building, fishing nets in hand.
Federal and tribal spawning operations are vital in the ongoing recovery of Lahontan cutthroat trout on the Truckee River and Pyramid Lake, but it is unclear whether the fish can continue to rebound without intensive human intervention.
Rain and snowmelt flow down 63 tributaries into Lake Tahoe, but just one river runs out of the alpine lake the Truckee River. But many visitors to the famed lake may not realize that.
My grandson loves to fly fish. His favorite spot is Pyramid Lake on the Paiute Reservation in western Nevada. He swears the best time to fish is winter, and the
Ideally, the mouth of a river should be narrow and deep. But sediment buildup makes the delta in Pyramid Lake too shallow and wide to protect spawning fish from opportunistic predators.