PETALING JAYA: Two former Umno stalwarts - rivals who joined hands as leaders of the party's infamous Team B in 1987 - have come together again, this time to launch a memoir.
Lasting memory: The Housing and Local Government Ministry plans to beautify the Highland Towers site after the demolition of the abandoned buildings but many are calling for a memorial to be built there to commemorate the catastrophe and remember the victims. Filepics/The Star
Memorials and monuments: what events or figures should we preserve and honour?
THERE are many instances in Malaysia’s history of great sacrifice or national pride that we honour through memorials or monuments. Oft-times, memorials also serve as symbols of the devastating loss that we bear as a community. But how do we decide what occasions or people to commemorate?
One flag, one life: American artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg created her art installation titled In America, How Could This Happen in Washington in remembrance of those who have died of Covid-19 in the United States. AP
MEMORIALS are not just static pieces of art, they also hold a deeper meaning by representing community memory and illustrating our past.
They give us a sense of place, a sense of location and a sense of context, says Eddin Khoo, a writer and founder-director of cultural organisation Pusaka.
“They serve to psychologically tell us that we have a past. The past essentially gives meaning to our environment and to ourselves. When you have a historical vacuum you are almost floating as a person, as a community and nation, ” he says.