Leonid Zayats said that the new line commissioned by the Gomel-based company is an import-substituting one. He mentioned that Belgospishcheprom is busy implementing seven import-substituting projects like that.
At a meeting with Altai Territory Governor Viktor Tomenko the sides stated that deeper manufacturing cooperation and joint projects in all branches of the manufacturing sector represent the only correct way of development for Belarus and Russia in the current world situation.
On 13-14 March, a Belarusian delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Leonid Zayats visited St. Petersburg to take part in the second edition of the Belarusian Food Forum and to hold talks with the authorities of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast.
Speaking about concrete results of the processing industry, the official mentioned that 2022 saw 129,000 tonnes of butter made, 9,000 up from 2021. There are plans to increase butter output to 133,000 tonnes in 2023.
Leonid Zayats said: “Despite some temporary difficulties I don't see problems with selling our food products abroad. Belarusian food continues enjoying great demand due to its quality parameters."