Deputy Grand Chief Bobby Narcisse highlighted how treaties have impacted First Nations people during his Treaties Recognition Week talk on Nov. 11 at Confederation College in Thunder Bay. “We all are treaty people, but I’m here to speak to you about the true history of this country and how this country called Canada was formed on a litany of broken legal agreements, broken
Nishnawbe Aski Nation leaders highlighted the importance of working with leaders from other remote communities on northern remote issues during the initial meeting of the National Assembly of Remote Communities, which was formed in 2021. The May 31-June 2 meeting was co-hosted by Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) First Vice Chief David Pratt and Deputy Grand
Former Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Grand Chief and artist Goyce Kaegamic was remembered Tuesday as a leader who served as a voice to northern Ontario First Nations.
Government announces agreement to open talks on a deal to compensate those placed in on-reserve child welfare system, which was found to be discriminatory.