Man convicted of murder in fentanyl overdose where victim was abandoned in SUV
Updated Apr 15, 2021;
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Dauphin County jurors on Wednesday voted to convict a Swatara Township man for third-degree murder after a three-day trial related to the 2017 death of Zach Myers, 24.
Prosecutors said Andrew Shirk, 44, purchased fentanyl in North Philadelphia that he, Myers and a woman ingested together in a room at the Super 8 Motel parking lot, 4131 Executive Park Drive. Shirk had been living at the motel.
When Myers started showing signs of an overdose, prosecutors say, the pair dragged Myers outside using a blanket and put him in his SUV, where they abandoned him to go to a convenience store and back into the motel room. The pair called police at about 8:15 a.m. Oct 1, 2017, more than four hours after he was left in the vehicle and after the pair got rid of evidence from the room.
Updated: 2:21 PM EST March 12, 2021
DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. A 24-year-old Cumberland County woman was convicted Wednesday of third-degree murder in connection to the 2017 overdose death of Zachary Myers at a Swatara Township hotel.
Kara Hartmoyer, of Mechanicsburg, could have saved Myers life with a simple 911 call, prosecutors said during her trial in Dauphin County Court.
Instead, when Myers began showing signs that he was overdosing on the fentanyl he ingested with them, Hartmoyer and her boyfriend wrapped Myers in a blanket, dragged him from the hotel room to his SUV in the parking lot, and placed him inside the vehicle. They then went to get food and drink at a nearby Sheetz before returning to the hotel at about 4 a.m., prosecutors said.
Central Pa. woman, 24, could spend decades behind bars for friend’s heroin overdose death
Updated Mar 12, 2021;
A 24-year-old central Pennsylvania woman is facing the prospect of spending decades in prison after a Dauphin County jury convicted her of third-degree murder for a friend’s heroin overdose death that was partially captured on video.
Chief Deputy District Attorney Stephen Zawisky said that video and other evidence showed the callousness of Kara Hartmoyer of Mechanicsburg as Zachary Myers literally gasped out his last breaths. Myers overdosed after he, Hartman and Hartman’s boyfriend used fentanyl and cocaine as a Super 8 motel in Swatara Township on Oct. 1, 2017.