Learn more about some of AFJN's focus campaigns and projects including: the Africa Church Together Against Corruption Project (ACT Project), Women Empowerment Project (WEP Project), land grabbing, care for creation, and more.
Learn more about some of AFJN's focus campaigns and projects including: the Africa Church Together Against Corruption Project (ACT Project), Women Empowerment Project (WEP Project), land grabbing, care for creation, and more.
On May 24, 2023, the Africa Faith and Justice Network, the Healey International Relief Foundation, and the National Democratic Institute cosponsored "A Diaspora Roundtable with Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Heath Ahead of the Sierra Leone Elections." This virtual event provided prominent Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora (professionals, civil society and religious leaders, etc.) the opportunity to express their viewpoints, concerns and hopes to Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Heath ahead of his visit to the country.