and resort homes and florida, are just above the law. former fbi specialists and now attorney and senior electra at yale university, parliament is the former u.s. attorney and former deputy assistant general at the doj. they joined me alive. thank you both for coming on the show, harry let me start with you, president though macron is going to indict trump. do you agree? well, that is the 64,000 dollar question, i do agree, i and he is right is four to really distinguish between garland s view of himself as a judge and as a prosecutor. what she says though at that at the end of the day the politics will be so royals on either side, he would just consider the evidence only. i actually think he won t let himself off so easily. he ll consider everything, including the politics that i think, i mean that factor has now began to weigh strongly in favor of indictments, because
On September 15, Deputy Assistant General of the United States ("DAG") Lisa Monaco announced new U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") policy changes during a speech on corporate criminal.
On June 3, 2022, Department of Justice Antitrust Division Deputy Assistant General Richard A. Powers reiterated the Division's intent to bring more cases to trial and touted the Division's record.
On June 3, 2022, Department of Justice Antitrust Division Deputy Assistant General Richard A. Powers reiterated the Division’s intent to bring more cases to trial and touted the.
georgetown university school of former and former deputy of the fbi s counter intelligence division. is the op author of compromised, counterintelligence and the threat of donald j trump. also bradley jay moss, it s a turning, and harry litman, deputy assistant general under president clinton. it s not legal affairs columnist for the new york times. peter let me start with you on that point joe biden just made about the republicans now being in favor of defund the fbi. did you think and you ve been watching a republican change in attitude to put it mildly over the trump years towards the fbi. did you think it was coming to this that they would actually be the defund the fbi party? lawrence if you asked me that prior to 2016, having watched grown up in a republican house, having watched the party, having watched the values that they stood for in terms of national security and support for the