The new Transformers movie is a prequel to Michael Bay’s original, sequel to Bumblebee, and loose adaptation of Beast Wars. That means lots of Transformers Easter eggs, from G1 toys to cartoon cameos.
voters who i believe what we said in our story, and the beginning of our story, does maggot really stand for making a chinese get attorneys? this was kind of a dark joke that was going around in trump s inner circle. it is true that if donald trump tries to use his lawyers as tools to do the things that he does not want to do, he often doesn t listen to them, and when he gets into trouble, he wants them to do the things that he will not do. this is a story that has repeated itself throughout the trump administration, and now the post presidency. michael schmidt, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we appreciate it. that is all in on this wednesday night. alex wagner s tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. agner s i still don t undersy anybody signs up to be a lawyer for donald trump. they have been going down the depth charge quite a bit.
story, and the beginning of our story, does maggot really stand for making a chinese get attorneys? this was kind of a dark joke that was going around in trump s inner circle. it is true that if donald trump tries to use his lawyers as tools to do the things that he does not want to do, he often doesn t listen to them, and when he gets into trouble, he wants them to do the things that he will not do. this is a story that has repeated itself throughout the trump administration, and now the post presidency. michael schmidt, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we appreciate it. that is all in on this wednesday night. alex wagner s tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. agner s i still don t undersy anybody signs up to be a lawyer for donald trump. they have been going down the depth charge quite a bit. whether you re crossfit
prepare for loss, for absence of your closest loved partner? no, i think, i thought you could, actually. and also as a vicar, i spent a lot of my time with people who were going through that. so i knew what it looked like. i know the technicalities, registering a death, the coroner s office, all that kind of stuff, probate. but of course, that s from the outside. and when, of course, it happens to you, it s completely different. and it is, for me, it was like a depth charge that sort of blew up and disrupted all the surface, but also stuff that was very, very deep within came up and sent me completely mad for a while. i remember going to, the day david died, i went to the co op on the way back from the hospital because i had to buy milk and bread. and when i got home i looked in my shopping bag and i d bought three kinds of parmesan. it s funny the metaphors you use, the depth charge, you ve talked about the explosive effect of it all, and indeed the title of the book, the madness of g
no, i think, i thought you could, actually. and also as a vicar, i spent a lot of my time with people who were going through that. so i knew what it looked like. i know the technicalities, registering a death, the coroner s office, all that kind of stuff, probate. but of course, that s from the outside. and when, of course, it happens to you, it s completely different. and it is, for me, it was like a depth charge that sort of blew up and disrupted all the surface, but also stuff that was very, very deep within came up and sent me completely mad for a while. i remember going to, the day david died, i went to the co op on the way back from the hospital because i had to buy milk and bread. and when i got home i looked in my shopping bag and i d bought three kinds of parmesan. it s funny the metaphors you use, the depth charge, you ve talked about the explosive effect of it all, and indeed the title of the book, the madness of grief.