A swirling cloud of uncertainty surrounds the purported theft of tyres worth R5m from a Nelson Mandela Bay municipality depot as it is not clear if the truck tyres were even ordered or delivered.
KOTA BHARU: The Social Welfare Department (JKM) has sent essential items such as food to all forward bases in preparation for potential floods during the Northeast Monsoon season, says Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Aiman Athirah Sabu.
The Athlone Bus Éireann depot and employee, Trevor Finneran, were recognised at the company’s annual GEM (‘Go the Extra Mile’ ) awards in recent times.
Bernie Marcus launched Home Depot when he was 50. Donald Fisher had recently celebrated his 41st birthday when he co-founded Gap with his 38-year-old wife..
Veterans Day is coming up on Nov. 11, and volunteers with the Home Depot Foundation spent Wednesday, Nov. 1, making much-needed safety updates to the home of an