More than a decade ago, Robert Manuel used a metaphor at his presidential inauguration ceremony at the University of Indianapolis (UIndy) to convey a vision for the future of the institution, then under his helm. To a crowd of colleagues, politicians, faculty and others at Nicoson Hall on UIndy’s campus in Indianapolis, he quoted another.
There are two stages in a name for people of color. First, it begins when you change your name to fit the mouths of others. It’s easier to let people pronounce your name the way they want to instead of the immigrant dialect it’s supposed to be said in. It’s easier, simpler and it allows.
This week marks the first two weeks since students could come on campus without a mask. The change came on the tide of both Chicago and Illinois dropping their respective mask mandates on Feb. 28. Chicago and Illinois as a whole have been seeing declining Covid-19 numbers, which DePaul Professor of Immunology Phillip Funk saw.