What is hidden behind this expression, this term hmm, well, first of all, Global Trends are hiding behind it, and then developed countries are moving, and less major countries are gradually being drawn to these trainings, to which, unfortunately , ukraine can still be attributed. That is, it is called the energy transition, and it consists in the fact that ee countries are trying to rebuild the sphere of systems that were traditional before and were based on fossil fuels, coal, primarily gas, oil, yes, well, there were also Nuclear Power plants, hydroelectric plants, gradually transitioning to Renewable Energy sources , i. E. Wind, solar generation , bioenergy and other exotic types of Renewable Energy. And also this trend is accompanied by a gradual decrease in the price of these new technologies, how much earlier they were really at the dawn of their entry into the market of Renewable Energy technologies quite expensive yes and that is why they were artificially supported there by hi
Church in sumy and went down to the basement and there was a portrait of gundyaev hanging there, i asked this father, father, what is it you have a portrait by gossipers, he says so, but we are all here kagebeshniks, and i understood, and then i analyzed how much this church costs, what is the outward appearance of this uncle, he is really kgb, and we are, there were unpleasant incidents in sumshchynitsa, the father was correcting the artillery fire on. The settlement, so what is this it is done, for two years we have to bury our dead boys nowhere, they dont know what they are hiding there, weapons or propaganda , they are propagandizing their people against against sovereign ukraine, they are preaching in russian, so why, how can this be in our state, which is the second a year of war is going on, well, lets see what will happen next after this handed over. Suspicions, maybe there will be some continuation of this story, i hope that peoples deputies and regional deputies will see each
That today, well, literally on a daily basis , are violated by the leadership of the parliament, i am sorry to state this, but we should also Pay Attention to the fact that in the same, in the same resolution, it is also very clearly stated about the inadmissibility of collapsing decentralization, which has proven its importance for the success of ukraine, and this is also another serious bell. For the authorities, well, perhaps not only for the legislative, but also for the executive authorities, and i would like , of course, that behind those serious, serious calls for further support to ukraine, which are the main narrative of this resolution, our colleagues also saw growing concern with the fact that today ukraine is rolling back in terms of democratic rights and freedoms. But i want to remind you that precisely if we insist, and we all together insist on in order for the negotiating framework for ukraine to be approved as soon as possible, the first chapter, the first cluster that
Session the president sent a warm welcome to the hospitable Belarusian Land in your face, addressing all women of belarus and uzbekistan whose achievements in the economy of politics and public life, education and science, culture and sports contribute to the deepening of Mutual Understanding between our states. The idea behind the of the belarusian uzbek Womens Business Forum lie, sincere friendship of the two peoples tested over the years and the accumulated potential of strategic cooperation. This unifying initiative of women deserves worldwide support, as the head of state noted as a unique phenomenon in the postsoviet space and an example for others. Let your engaged dialogue open up new perspectives. For the implementation of joint projects, the expansion of economic and humanitarian ties between belarus and uzbekistan , i wish the participants of the forum fruitful work creative inspiration, Inexhaustible Energy and Great Success in all endeavors , greetings are said. In these m
To military units, well, and other things, about which, indeed, criminal cases have already been filed with us, mr. Yaroslav, well, i would just like to remind our viewers that the Economic Security bureau was actually created in may 2021, i will allow myself to call this body truly newly created, i. E. And here we are again we are talking about reforming this body, and you propose it, in particular with your draft law, what are the first steps of reforming the bureau of Economic Security, see, once again, i do not really agree with the wording created, created this is when something is done from scratch, and when it is changed a sign on the door of the tax police, well, to be honest, it is anything but creation, profanation is probably a better word, with the draft law we are doing what should have been done from the very beginning, the only correct option, the only one that works in ukraine, especially in office the political system, the election of the chairman is transparent to com