Academic Researcher II in the Field of Thin-film Optics, Optics of Solid Surfaces in Physics & Astronomy, Research Related with MASARYK UNIVERSITY. Apply Today.
A device based on a multilayer ferroelectric/silicon carbide structure can improve the efficiency of ultrahigh-frequency systems.Radar and communication systems are based on ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) electronics technology. Now, microwave devices bas
AZoM aims to share materials science and engineering with the world and with people who can make a difference. On this International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we are highlighting a selection of women that are driving innovation in this sector.
In the last decade, the bistability effect, which occurs in various resonant systems before the auto-oscillation threshold, has attracted the increasing attention of scientists. This phenomenon has great potential for applications in optics, spintron
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia chose LETI's applications from two laboratories led by young researchers as part of the Science and Universities project.At the Mobile Intelligent Systems laboratory, LETI scientists will develop