Bridget Archer thinks role of Governor-General David Hurley should be included in any inquiry; PM to receive solicitor-general’s advice on legality of portfolios. Follow updates here.
Additional locations around the Falklands are to be named after the 258 servicemen and civilians who gave their lives for the liberation of the Falklands in 1982 as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations.
THE framers of that part of the Congress resolution on non-co-operation which relates to the boycott of foreign goods, like their predecessors of fifteen years ago who supported Bengal in her boycott of British goods, knew what they were about. They knew that there is no appeal to which John Bull is more responsive than to an appeal which forcibly touches his pocket. No one can say that the Government of India, in their recent tariff proposals, were actuated by an intention of satisfying the non-co-operator, but one small part of their proposal happens to have this in common with the non-co-operator’s programme that it touches the pockets of an influential class of English manufacturers. This has thrown the class in question as well as its representatives in Parliament and its organs in the Press into a state of uncontrollable excitement. The Manchester Association of Importers and Exporters lost no time in sending a letter to Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Montagu, and the Departmen