Pay equity has been a hot topic in employment law in recent years. Now, laws requiring disclosure of pay scales are viewed as the next step towards achieving equal pay for equal work.
Taipei, Nov. 1 (CNA) The number of workers on formal furlough plans in Taiwan increased by 963 during the past week, with most of them employed in small travel agencies or the manufacturing sector, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) said Tuesday.
Pay equity has been a hot topic in employment law in recent years. Laws vary by state. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, Rhode Island and Washington recently enacted laws. New York Legislature passed Senate Bill 9427. Employers should prepare.
Taipei, Oct. 17 (CNA) The number of furloughed workers in Taiwan grew by over 1,700 during the past week, with most of them from small tourism agencies and the manufacturing sector, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) reported on Monday.
Taipei, Oct. 11 (CNA) The number of workers on official furlough programs in Taiwan fell by more than 4,000 as travel agencies brought back workers from unpaid leave ahead of the easing of COVID-19 border controls on Oct. 13.