(Archived document, may contain errors) 672 September 12,1988 STRATEGY FOR A DRUG-FREE AMERICA A SYMPOSIUM INTRODUCTION As the transcript of this symposium goes to press, the House of Representatives is considering a major Omnibus Drug Act, with Senate consideration soon to begin. As is typical in an election year, the rush to complete action on key legislation makes it difficult if not impossible, to see clearly what is happening until the bills already have been passed.
House Republicans are beginning to lay out an expansive agenda of hearings and probes into the Biden administration, with GOP members of the Judiciary Committee informing the White House that it will seek the testimony of senior White House, Homeland Security and FBI officials.
House Republicans are beginning to lay out an expansive agenda of hearings and probes into the Biden administration, with GOP members of the Judiciary Committee informing the White House that it will seek the testimony of senior White House, Homeland Security and FBI officials.
By suggesting criminal charges could be in the cards for President Trump, the House committee investigating the events of January 6 isn t just weakening their case before the Supreme Court. They re also skating close to the constitutional prohibition