Warren Buffet saying, “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2, don’t forget Rule No. 1” is widely known. Dr. Brady Brewer from Purdue University said it is unlikely that Buffet spends much time working in ag.
Kate MacNamara: Storm brewing for the Climate Change Commission
22 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM
5 minutes to read
Rod Carr, chair of the Climate Change Commission. Photo / Supplied
NZ Herald
At the end of January New Zealand s newly formed Climate Change Commission dropped a draft report of seismic proportions. The suite of proposals aims to sideline the main mechanism for reducing and offsetting New Zealand s man-made carbon emissions until now, the Emissions Trading Scheme. It would declare peak meat and dairy (our most valuable exports) and reduce livestock numbers from here.
And through a range of policy sticks, carrots and bans, it would have the Government reach into our living rooms and our driver s seats, dictating everything from how we heat our homes to how we get to work, in a slew of new, invasive, but surprisingly inexpensive ways.