Washington post. Thank you for joining us this morning. For our panel entitled Homeland Security challenges. Very pleased to have a very distinguished panel with us today. Of course we have the former secretary of Homeland Security, the honorable jeh johnson. We have mr. Frank cilluffo, the director of the center for cyber and Homeland Security at the George Washington university, my alma mater. We have the congresswoman, kathleen rice. Representing the Fourth District of new york. Also the ranking democrat on the subcommittee of counterterrorism and intelligence. And last but certainly not least, the honorable kenneth wainstein, who served as the Homeland Security advisor to president george w. Bush. I had prepared an extensive introduction for todays panel, but those plans were tossed in the garbage when President Trump issued a series of official statements this morning that are extremely relevant to this panel. You might also call them tweets. The tweets are directed at one of our
Testing. Good morning. My name is josh rogan program im a columnist at the Washington Post. Thank you for joining us this morning for a panel entitled Homeland Security challenges. Very pleased to have a very distinguished panel with us today. Of course, we have the former secretary of Homeland Security, the honorable jeh johnson. We have mr. Frank salufo, the director of the center for cyber and Homeland Security at the George Washington university, my alma mater. We have the congresswoman Kathleen Rice representing the 4th district of new york who was also the ranking democrat on the subcommittee Counter Terrorism and intelligence and last, but certainly not least the honorable Kenneth Weinstein who served as Homeland Security adviser to president george w. Bush. I had prepared an extensive introduction for todays panel, but those plans were tossed in the garbage when President Trump issued a series of official statements this morning that are extremely relevant to this panel. You mi
Systems. Thank you so much. The chair the gentleman is recognized. The navy provides 30year cost estimates. I urge a novote on this amendment and i yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. Mr. Rogers i ask for a reported vote. Further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california will be postponed. The chair it is now in order to consider amendment number 11 printed in part b of house report 115212. It is now in order to consider amendment number 12 printed in part b of house report 115212. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Garamendi thank you, mr. Chairman. The chair does the gentleman wish to offer his amendment . Mr. Gare men tee yes, i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 12 printed in part b of house report 115212, offered by mr. Garamendi of california. The chair pursuant to House Resolution
Act back in 2011, it doesnt change those but it does a couple things to get around them. The pentagon has a separate war account, the overseas Contingency Operation fund, known more commonly as oco. Billion. Extra 10 the bill has 621 billion in defense spending that would bust through that cap. The short of it is, while there are some mechanisms are used to get around that, lawmakers have to rewrite those caps later on. This came out of the House Armed Services committee after some 13 hours of debate. 601 vote out of that committee. One of the key provisions . Conor there was some pretty bipartisan agreement on the bill in general. The House Rules Committee met and teed up about 88 amendment to go on the floor later today. We expect they are going to meet this afternoon to make another large tranche of amendments. Some things we will probably see some debate on, house rules has approved a couple of amendments that would strip provisions in the bill that bar the administration moving de
Defense department, energy, water, vamilitary, 54 amendments to consider and debate expected to last into the evening. Final passage tonight. House begins its summer resource tomorrow. Recess tomorrow. Haplindrge churc peache cy,georgi dr. Illad comeyo th leaders inn at seem to have lost its way. We seek your help this day and help us return to a place where liberty and justice is for all. Remind that liberty and justice go hand in hand that liberty cannot exist if there is not justice for the innocent. Teach us to protect life, to be a refuge for immigrants, the unborn, the aged, the orphan, the widows, the homeless, the family, the oppressed, those in danger, every race and our veterans, help us to see the unity is stronger than division. Remind us that consensus without truth is confusion and that power without control is destructive. Remind us again that out of the many should come the one. Give us compassion, strength under control, humility and grace, lead us, father, through thi