According to the Vigo County Jail, as of 10:55 a.m., Thursday morning Josh Dowdy, 42, Clay City, was taken into custody by the West Terre Haute Police Department. Dowdy was taken into custody on a.
TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Protocols assist schools with Monday situations
Monday, March 1, 2021
By IVY JACOBS, Times Reporter
Northview High School, as well as North Clay Middle School, received a recent bomb threat that was deemed as not being credible.
Ivy Jacobs photo
Clay Community Schools received two bomb threats Monday, but neither was deemed credible.
Clay Community Schools Safety Plans have protocols in place to deal with such threats, and these were implemented by school personnel, Superintendent Jeff Fritz said Monday, who greatly appreciated the swift actions of and assistance by the Clay County Sheriffs Department. Anyone having any information about the source of these threats is asked to contact law enforcement immediately.