Okay. We are now back in open session. May i have a motion that the board finds that it is in the best interest of the public that the board aelect not to disclose its closed session deliberations . Motion made by supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor brown. Without any objection, we will not disclose your closed session deliberations. Can i have a motion to continue the item . I would like to ask this be continued to a closed session on the 14th day of january of 2020. Is there a second . Seconded by supervisor roaning. Without any objection, this item will be continued to a closed session on january 14th. That brings us to the end of you are agenda. Is there any further business before us . Todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individual supervisor peskin. Thank you. We are now adjourned. Sustainability mission, even though the bikes are very Minimal Energy use. It Still Matters where the energy comes from and also part of the mission in sustainability is h
Public comment. We do have a commentator. This should be one of the chowder judges. Good evening commissioners. I just want to also give kudos to randal and rachel from the Community Benefit district at fishermans wharf. The business there is like a roller coaster ride. Today was completely dead. So events like this help merchants it keeps the vie vibrance. The fact that we are having this discussion, i mean, is great. Theres a Michael Jackson performer. Theres a sinatra performer. They are not permitted performers. They just come up randomly whenever they want so to speak. But having this discussion today, we are ready and we know what we are getting. I commend this gentleman here. Wharf fest is going to be very successful. I think it will be sold out. This is not a first time event. They have a history behind this event. So i just think that this one in particular, the music is going to be really cool this year. So im all for it. Thank you. Anymore Public Comment . Seeing none, Publi
Really quickly. Everybody come on up. In november of 2016, california voters passed proposition 64. The adult use of marijuana act. San franciscans overwhelmingly approved it by nearly 75 . And the law went into effect in january of 2018. [ ] under californias new law, adults age 21 and over can legally possess up to 1 ounce of cannabis and grow up to six plants at home. Adults in california can legally give up to 1 ounce to other adults. In the state of california, we passed a law that said adult consumption is legal. If you are an adult and in possession of certain amounts, you will no longer be tried. You will not be arrested or prosecuted for that. That is changing the landscape dramatically. [ ] to legalization of cannabis could bring tremendous economic and social benefits to cities like San Francisco. This industry is projected to reach 22 billion by the year 2020. And that is just a few years away. It can be a huge Legal Industry in california. I think very shortly, the actual
Good morning, today is wednesday , september 18th, 2019. This is a regular meeting of the abatement appeals board. I would like to remind everyone to turn of all electronic devices. The first item on the agenda is roll call. [roll call] we have a quorum. The next item is item be. The oath where are part all parties giving testimony please raise your right hand and stand. Do you swear the testimony were about to give is a truth to the best of your knowledge . Thank you, you maybe seated. For information his, we want to state the department will present its case first then the appellant. Each individual has seven minutes to present their case. Next there will be Public Comment. The members have three minutes each. Lastly there is rebuttal time of three minutes. The next item is item see, approval of minutes great discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for the meeting held on august 21st, 2019. Move to approve. We have a motion and a second is there any Public Comment on the
I am aaron peskin. Ms. Major, any announcements . Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon will appear on the october 8 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Item number 1 is ordinance amending the planning code to designate 2031 bush street, aka Kinmon Gakuen building, as a landmark under article 10 and affirming appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin thank you, ms. Major. Before we introduce Shannon Ferguson from the Planning Department, i would like to be listed as cosponsor of this landmark designation. The case report was really a pleasure to read and very well done. And very edifying and of course, speaks to terrible parts of our American History and San Francisco history relative, not only to executive order 9066, but acts of local governments, including our school board in the day. Its almost the opposite of todays dynamics where we have a rac