[ laughter ] and from what i know of waffle houses, if theyre closed, run [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause a former Trump Campaign aide has announced shes dropping her lawsuit accusing President Trump of kissing her without her consent. Shes also asked that we stop referring to her as a Campaign Aide [ laughter and applause iowa representative steve king yesterday defended the conditions inside Migrant Detention Centers and said he is not worried about reports that people have resorted to drinking from toilets because he himself drank the toilet water and said it was quote, actually pretty good. [ laughter ] added king, definitely top five toilets ive ever drank from. [ laughter and applause today, today was national be late for something day in case any white people want to tell their friends about lizzo [ laughter ] thats as good as i thought i want to clarify. [ applause ] i didnt think that joke would go better than that. [ laughter ] but its still an excellent joke [ laughter ]
Here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will lead us in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal god, your truth endures forever. Make us conscious of our shortcomings, limitations, and liabilities. Lord, guide our lawmakers. Give them the humility to deped on your leading and to receive the gift of your grace for daiy living. Create in them joy in living, courage in danger, and an enthusiasm in glorifying you in our nation and world. Inspire them to be people who will stand for right though the heavens fall. We pray in your sovereign name. Amen. The president pro tempore will you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of americ, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Grassley mr. President . The presiding officer the senator from iowa. Mr. Grassley id like to address the senate for one minute in
Welcome to this hearing on the subcommittee on antitrust policy and consumer rights. Today we are pleased to have with us the chairman of the federal trade commission, joseph simons, and the assistant attorney general for the antitrust division at the department of justice, makan delrahim. Welcome to both of you. As an initial matter, as a matter of housekeeping, we have been informed we may have a block of more votes starting about an hour from now. The practical matter, we may be able to push it to an hour and a half from now, but before we hit the recess at some point we will likely have to go to recess to cast a few votes. We will have to play some of that by ear. I apologize in advance. Theres no way to predict these in advance. It does seem to be an uncanny event, with antitrust subcommittee hearings. It seems to be a good predictor, albeit an unintentional predictor of when votes are going to occur. As both of you know, ive been critical of the fact that we have two federal agen
Welcome to this hearing on the subcommittee on antitrust policy and consumer rights. Today we are pleased to have with us the chairman of the federal trade commission, joseph simons, and the assistant attorney general for the antitrust division at the department of justice, makan delrahim. Welcome to both of you. As an initial matter, as a matter of housekeeping, we have been informed we may have a block of more votes starting about an hour from now. The practical matter, we may be able to push it to an hour and a half from now, but before we hit the recess at some point we will likely have to go to recess to cast a few votes. We will have to play some of that by ear. I apologize in advance. Theres no way to predict these in advance. It does seem to be an uncanny event, with antitrust subcommittee hearings. It seems to be a good predictor, albeit an unintentional predictor of when votes are going to occur. As both of you know, ive been critical of the fact that we have two federal agen
To include alabama, President Trump last night tweeted out a screen shot of early weather projections to justify the move. And i mean really early projections. [ laughter and applause amid reports of Hurricane Dorian, new articles have been published on femas unofficial waffle house index for measuring storm severity, which tracks whether Waffle House Restaurants in particular areas are fully open, serving a limited menu or completely closed. [ laughter ] and from what i know of waffle houses, if theyre closed, run [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause a former Trump Campaign aide has announced shes dropping her lawsuit accusing President Trump of kissing her without her consent. Shes also asked that we stop referring to her as a Campaign Aide [ audience ohs ] [ laughter and applause iowa representative steve king yesterday defended the conditions inside Migrant Detention Centers and said he is not worried about reports that people have resorted to drinking from toilets, because he himsel