THE lead detective in the murder trial of Everton "Beachy Stout" McDonald and Oscar Barnes on Wednesday admitted under cross-examination that he had no physical evidence linking Barnes to the murd.
KINGSTON, Jamaica-The lead investigator in the murder trial of Everton "Beachy Stout" McDonald and his co-accused, Oscar Barnes, was pressured by attorney-at-law Christopher Townsend on Tuesday, to ad.
The murder trial involving Portland businessman Everton ‘Beachy Stout’ McDonald has been adjourned until January 9 next year. McDonald, 68, and his co-accused, 33-year-old St Mary fisherman Oscar Barnes, are currently on trial for the murder of.
One of the four attorneys representing Everton "Beachy Stout" McDonald, who is on trial for the murder of his second wife, on Monday sought to discredit evidence given by a detective sergeant rega.
John Jacobs, one of five attorneys representing murder accused Everton ‘Beachy Stout’ McDonald, took the investigator to task over his statements and a cellphone during cross-examination on Monday. McDonald is charged with Oscar Barnes for the.