Chloe Shelford May 13, 2021
Sarah Lima, Kerri Hale, Stephanie Deschenes, Nicole Rivera, Dr. Loretta Andres, Dr. Bradley Palter, and Karen Silva pose for a quick pre-pizza photo. Photo by: Chloe Shelford
The staff at Gateway Dental on High Street were treated to a pizza party on May 13, courtesy of Papa Gino’s Pizza My Heart program.
The office was nominated by Aprilleigh Lauer, a patient at the practice.
After several bad experiences, Lauer was left with a lot of anxiety about going to the dentist.
“It took me three tries to find a dentist I was comfortable with where I used to live, but Gateway got it right in one,” Lauer said. “I don’t think I even gave them all of my history, other than briefly mentioning a childhood fear of dentists. They’ve been awesome, and I’m grateful that my son has never had a reason to fear his dentist.”